Recommended Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials
Snow Creek Landscaping Champions Sustainable Beauty with Native Plant Selections in Asheville
At Snow Creek Landscaping, we are committed to fostering sustainable and resilient landscapes in the Asheville area by utilizing native plant species. Our carefully curated list of trees, shrubs, and perennials includes a diverse array of hardy plants that have been proven to thrive in the regional climate and soil conditions. This selection not only enhances the beauty and biodiversity of our landscapes but also aligns with our mission of sustainability. Many of these plants are known to be resistant to deer browse, although changing deer populations and food availability may influence their browsing behavior. From majestic shade trees like the Sugar Maple and River Birch to vibrant perennials such as the Butterfly Weed and Goldenrod, our recommendations cater to various moisture needs and aesthetic preferences, ensuring that every landscape we create is both beautiful and ecologically sound.
Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials Defined
Shade Trees
Tall trees providing extensive canopy coverage.
Deciduous Shrubs
Shrubs that shed leaves annually.
Small Trees
Compact trees suitable for limited spaces.
Plants with a life cycle extending over multiple years.
Evergreen Trees
Trees retaining green foliage year-round.
Grasses & Grasslike Plants
Herbaceous plants resembling grass.
Evergreen Shrubs
Bushes that stay green throughout all seasons.
Meadow Seed Mixes
Diverse seeds for native meadow establishment.
Explore below our extensive selection of recommended trees, shrubs, and perennials to enhance your landscape today!
Shade trees are large trees that provide extensive canopy cover, creating shaded areas beneath them. These trees are typically planted to offer cooling shade in landscapes and can grow to significant heights. Examples include the Red Maple (Acer rubrum), River Birch (Betula nigra), and White Oak (Quercus alba). They offer various benefits such as fall color, interesting bark, and adaptability to different soil conditions. Some are resistant to deer and have varying water requirements.
Red Maple (Acer rubrum)
QUALITIES: Can withstand wet or compacted soil, good red fall color, fast growingHybrid Maple (Acer x ‘Freemanii’)
QUALITIES: Many of the same qualities as Red Maple but fasterSugar Maple (Acer saccharum)
QUALITIES: Excellent fall color, summer shade, choice native treeBuckeye (Aesculus octandra)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, good form, tolerates high pH.River birch (Betula nigra)
QUALITIES: Good bark character, site tolerant, resists bronze birch borer.Hickories (Carya spp.)
QUALITIES: Yellow fall color, interesting bark, nutsYellowwood (Cladrastis kentuckea)
QUALITIES: Excellent wisteria-like flowers in some years, great native treeAmerican Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
QUALITIES: Gold in fall, great bark and form, the choicest native specimen treeWhite ash (Fraxinus americana)
QUALITIES: Great fall color, open in winter, good for large spacesGreen Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
QUALITIES: Very adaptable and easy to establish.Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus diocus)
QUALITIES: Straight growing, tolerant of poor drainage, fall colorCarolina Silverbell (Halesia tetraptera)
QUALITIES: Excellent flowering native tree, interesting bark.Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
QUALITIES: Straight growing, tolerant of poor drainage, fall colorTulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
QUALITIES: Straight growingCucumber Magnolia (Magnolia acuminata)
QUALITIES: Great yellow flowers, interesting foliageFraser Magnolia (Magnolia fraseri)
QUALITIES: Interesting leaves, yellow flowersBlackgum (Nyssa sylvatica)
QUALITIES: Great fall color, adapts to poor drainage and dry soilsSycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
QUALITIES: Great bark and architectureWhite oak (Quercus alba)
QUALITIES: Great tree in all seasonsSwamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)
QUALITIES: Good substitute for White OakShingle Oak (Quercus imbricaria)
QUALITIES: Tolerates poor drainageOvercup Oak (Quercus lyrata)
QUALITIES: Adapts to almost any soil conditionsBur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
QUALITIES: Good for the edge of woods, if soil conditions are goodRed Oak (Quercus rubra)
QUALITIES: Good for shadeShumard oak (Quercus shumardii)
QUALITIES: Best Red OakBasswood (Tilia americana)
QUALITIES: Tolerant of most soils -
Small trees are typically under 30 feet in height and are used for ornamental purposes or to provide limited shade. They are suitable for smaller spaces and can fit well into garden landscapes. Examples include the Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) and Serviceberry (Amelanchier sp.). These trees often have attractive flowers, unique foliage, and interesting bark. Many small trees are also resistant to deer and require varying amounts of water.
Chalk Maple (Acer leucoderme)
QUALITIES: Like a small Sugar Maple but tolerates dry soilRed Buckeye (Aesculus pavia)
QUALITIES: Useful in understory or at woods edge, red flowersServiceberry (Amelanchier sp.)
QUALITIES: Earliest white flowers, good fall color, fruit is attractive to birds, tolerates shadeCarolina Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)
QUALITIES: Underutilized native has interesting bark and shapeEastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
QUALITIES: Great flowering trees with a low outline, tolerates light shade or open exposuresTexas Redbud (Cercis canadensis ssp. texensis)
QUALITIES: Larger flowers, leathery leavesFringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)
QUALITIES: Great plant, interesting foliage, white fragrant fringe-like flowersFlowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
QUALITIES: State flower, layered effect, good fall colorAmerican Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus)
QUALITIES: Great fall color, interesting in flowerWashington Hawthorn (Crateagus phaenopyrum)
QUALITIES: Fall color, red fruitParsley Haw (Crataegus marshallii)
QUALITIES: Finely cut foliage, will tolerate shadeCrataegus crus-galli (‘Vaugh’)
QUALITIES: Tolerates most soilsLittlehip Haw (Crataegus spathulata)
QUALITIES: Finely cut foliage, exfoliating bark, red fruit, excellent fall colorCrataegus viridis (‘Winter King’)
QUALITIES: This is the hawthorn that is most widely planted2 Winged Silverbell (Halesia diptera)
QUALITIES: Smaller than Carolina Silverbell, showy in flowerPossum Haw (Ilex decidua)
QUALITIES: Good hedging plant, red fruit attractive to birdsWinterberry (Ilex verticillata)
QUALITIES: Red fruitSilky Stewartia (Stewartia malacodendron)
QUALITIES: All Stewartias are choice, flowers, bark, etc.Mountain Stewartia (Stewartia ovata)
QUALITIES: Choice specimen nativeAmerican Snowbell (Styrax americanus)
QUALITIES: Terrific white fragrant flowers in JuneBlackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium)
QUALITIES: Interesting native at woods edge -
Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout the year, providing constant greenery. They are often used as windbreaks, privacy screens, or ornamental focal points in landscapes. Examples include the American Holly (Ilex opaca) and Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana). Evergreen trees vary in their shape, from pyramidal to columnar forms, and can have issues like cedar apple rust or be susceptible to ice damage.
Native Hybrid Hollies (Ilex x attenuata)
QUALITIES: Dense small leaves, heavy fruiting. Responds to pruning, excellent foliage and berries, useful for screening or as specimen.American Holly (Ilex opaca)
QUALITIES: Slow growing, midge and leaf minors can be problem. Not many problems in this area.Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
QUALITIES: Good screening plants, foliage color varies with cultivars from deep green to blue gray.Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandifolia)
QUALITIES: Signature plant of the Deep South. Can break up in ice and snow.White Pine (Pinus strobus)
QUALITIES: One of the trees naturally occurring in western NC. Will not tolerate poorly drained soils, or road salt.Pines (Pinus spp.)
QUALITIES: Most pines will resist deer browse.Eastern Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)
QUALITIES: Good screening, tolerates wet conditions.Western Arborvitae (Thuja plicata)
QUALITIES: Good screening, cultivars vary.Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
QUALITIES: Tolerates wet conditions. Can be held by pruning.Carolina Hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana)
QUALITIES: May be slightly more tolerant of dry soils once established. Radial arrangement of needles. -
Evergreen shrubs maintain their foliage all year long, making them ideal for foundational plantings, hedges, or ground cover. They come in various sizes and forms, from low mounds to upright bushes. Examples include the Inkberry (Ilex glabra) and Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia). These shrubs often offer flowers and berries and are generally resistant to deer, although some may require specific soil conditions.
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
QUALITIES: Fine foliage turns red in winter, pinkish flowers, red fruitCommon Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
QUALITIES: Slow growing, responds to shearing, excellent for hedging, dense and roundedTrailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens)
QUALITIES: Leathery glossy green foliage, fragrant pinkish flowers, ground coverWinterberry (Gaultheria procumbens)
QUALITIES: Leathery foliage, red berries, evergreen ground cover, white flowersInkberry (Ilex glabra)
QUALITIES: Dense in youth, often used as a foundation evergreen, small glossy leaves, black berriesMountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)
QUALITIES: Great native shrub, late spring flowers, dense foliage, variety of cultivarsDoghobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana)
QUALITIES: Great native for massing or ground cover on rich slopes, spreading habit, white flowersLyonia lucida
QUALITIES: Lustrous green foliage with white veins, massing shrub, suitable for acidic moist soilsPartridgeberry (Mitchella repens)
QUALITIES: Small ground cover, interesting native plant, red berries, white flowersRhododendron carolinianum
QUALITIES: Purple flowering, dense rounded form, evergreen foliageRosebay Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum)
QUALITIES: Native flowering evergreen, large leaves, white to pink flowers, good for shade areas -
Deciduous shrubs lose their leaves in the fall, allowing for a range of seasonal interest from flowers to fall color. They are used in borders, as hedges, or as stand-alone specimens. Examples include the Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) and Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica). These shrubs are adaptable to various conditions and often have attractive flowers, fall foliage, and interesting textures.
Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculus parviflora)
QUALITIES: Specimen for edge of woods or as lawn specimen. Will tolerate sun or partial shade.Bastard Indigo (Amorpha fruiticosa)
QUALITIES: Purple flowers, grows on poor soils, road banks.Cinnamon Clethra (Clethra acuminata)
QUALITIES: People who grow Crape Myrtle for its winter bark character should consider this native.Bubbybush (Calycanthus floridus)
QUALITIES: Fragrant.Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia)
QUALITIES: Suckering shrub, forms masses. Flowers in summer, white or pink, fragrant.Redoiser Dogwood (Cornus sericea)
QUALITIES: Grown for its colorful stems, usually red. Some cultivars have variegated foliage or gold stems.Climbing hydrangea (Decumaria barbatus)
QUALITIES: Lustrous leaves.Bush-honeysuckle (Diervilla sessilifolia)
QUALITIES: Good for banks and edges.Heart’s a Bustin (Euonymus americanus)
QUALITIES: Green stems, red fruit. Understory.Dwarf Witch’s Alder (Fothergilla gardenii)
QUALITIES: Interesting flowers, summer foliage, and fall color.Large Fothergilla (Fothergilla major)
QUALITIES: Great three season shrub. 'Mt. Airy' most available. -
Perennials are plants that live for more than two years, often blooming each season. They are commonly used in flower beds, borders, and for ground cover. Examples include the Butterfly Weed (Asclepiads tuberosa) and Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia spp.). Perennials offer a variety of colors, textures, and forms and may have specific water and sunlight requirements. Many are resistant to deer and can thrive in different soil conditions.
Monkshood (Aconitum)
QUALITIES: Violet blue flowers in summer, requires moist soil, full sun to part shade, known for its toxicity which deters pests.Blue Star Flower (Amsonia)
QUALITIES: Pale blue flowers in spring, full sun, water during drought, foliage turns colorful in fall.Angelica (Angelica venenosa)
QUALITIES: Whitish flowers in summer, thrives at wood's edge and borders, needs moist soil.Golden Marguerite (Anthemis tinctoria)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers in summer, prefers well-drained soil and full sun, suitable for dry conditions.Columbine (Aquilegia)
QUALITIES: Varied colors (yellow, orange, white, blue) in spring to early summer, adaptable to different soil conditions, native species include A. canadensis.Goat’s Beard (Aruncus diocus)
QUALITIES: Tall white panicles in summer, thrives in moist soil, partial shade preferred.Butterfly Weed (Asclepiads tuberosa)
QUALITIES: Orange flowers from spring to summer, full sun, average soil, attracts butterflies.Asters (Aster)
QUALITIES: Typically blue, purple, or rose flowers, adaptable to full sun to dappled shade, late blooming season.Wild Indigo (Baptisia)
QUALITIES: White, blue, or yellow flowers from late spring to early summer, prefers rich soil and full sun, tolerant of poor soils.Turtleheads (Chelone)
QUALITIES: White, rose-pink, or deep-rose flowers in summer to early fall, thrives in moist soil, full sun or partial shade.Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, good ground cover under trees, tolerates shade and moist sunny sites.Tickseed (Coreopsis)
QUALITIES: Yellow and pink flowers from late spring through summer, prefers well-drained soil and full sun, wide range of species.Fringed Bleeding Heart (Dicentra eximia)
QUALITIES: Pink, white, ruby-red, or rosy-red flowers in spring, rich moist soil, full sun to partial shade.Robin’s Plantain (Erigeron puchellus)
QUALITIES: Blue to purple flowers in spring, low growing, potential ground cover.Sea Holly (Eryngium)
QUALITIES: Blue flowers with spiny gray foliage in summer, full sun, well-drained soil.Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)
QUALITIES: Greenish silver flowers on Yucca-like plants in summer, full sun, dry soil.Joe Pye Weeds (Eupatorium)
QUALITIES: Purple to rose flowers in summer, suited for open meadows and moist borders.Beetleweed (Galax urceolata)
QUALITIES: White blooms in late spring, evergreen, thrives in rich moist soil, partial to full shade.Sunflowers (Helianthus)
QUALITIES: Wide range of warm colors in summer, full sun, variable moisture requirements.Alumroot (Heuchera americana)
QUALITIES: Foliage plant, great for woodland edges, may be browsed by deer.Hairy alumroot (Heuchera villosa)
QUALITIES: Great foliage, tolerates poor soil and dry conditions in full sun.Gayfeather (Liatris)
QUALITIES: Mauve, purple, or white flowers in summer, tall plant, thrives in full sun, average soil.Turk’s Cap Lily (Lilium superbum)
QUALITIES: Tall plant with orange flowers in summer, requires moist soil, partial to full sun.Beebalm (Monarda didyma)
QUALITIES: Scarlet flowers in summer, prefers moist soil, full sun to part shade, may mildew if dry.Wild Bergamont (Monarda fistulosa)
QUALITIES: Pink flowers in summer, tolerates drier conditions than M. didyma.Allegheny Spurge (Pachysandra procumbens)
QUALITIES: White flowers in spring, good ground cover under trees, native species.Phlox (Phlox species)
QUALITIES: Varied colors (blue, pink, white), adaptable to different soil conditions, potential for mildew.Grassleaved Aster (Pityopsis graminifloius)
QUALITIES: Grass-like silver foliage, yellow flowers in summer, good on banks, tolerates drought.Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium)
QUALITIES: Blue, pink, or white flowers in spring or summer, prefers well-drained soil, partial shade.Soloman’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum)
QUALITIES: Arching stems with flowers beneath, good woodland plant, prefers moist soil.Bowman’s Root (Porteranthus trifoliata)
QUALITIES: Airy plant with white flowersBlack-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)
QUALITIES: Warm colors, summer bloomsSages (Salvia)
QUALITIES: Mostly blue, purple, white flowers, summer bloomsStonecrops (Sedum)
QUALITIES: Tolerate poor soil, suitable for cracks between rocksGoldenrods (Solidago)
QUALITIES: Full sun and average soils, sizes vary, yellow and gold flowers in summerFoamflower (Tiarella)
QUALITIES: Woodland edger, white foam-like flowersVerbena (Verbena canadensis)
QUALITIES: Purple, red, rose, burgundy, white flowers, summer bloomsIronweed (Vernonia noveboracensis)
QUALITIES: Statuesque plants, purple to rose flowers in fall, need moisture -
Grasses and grasslike plants are used for their foliage and texture rather than flowers. They are often planted in meadows, borders, or as ground cover. Examples include Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) and Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium). These plants can tolerate a range of soil conditions and usually require full sun. Many are resistant to deer and provide seasonal interest with their changing colors.
Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)
QUALITIES: Foliage goes from blue-green to bronze in fall. Tolerates dry soils.Wood’s sedge (Carex pennsylvanica)
QUALITIES: Fine understory cover. Prefers shade, organic soils.Hairgrasses (Deschampsia)
QUALITIES: Delicate tan panicles in mid-summer to fall. Species vary in site requirements.Lovegrasses (Eragrostis)
QUALITIES: Species differ in site requirements, tolerant of poor soil and open exposures.Plumegrasses (Erianthus (Saccharum))
QUALITIES: Species vary with whitish to purple plumes in early fall. Average soil, some species up to 12 feet.Bottlebrush Grass (Hystix patula)
QUALITIES: Green brush-like flowers in early summer. Moist soil, partial shade.Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum)
QUALITIES: Airy silver-green panicles in fall. Average soil, full sun.Little Bluestem (Schizacharium scoparium)
QUALITIES: Thin silvery blue to red foliage in early fall. Full sun to partial shade, poor to average soil, high magnesium levels.Indian grass (Sorghastrum nutans)
QUALITIES: Tight yellow-brown plumes in late summer. Full sun, tolerates poor soil.Dropseed (Sporobolus hetrolepsis)
QUALITIES: Open panicles in purple-black in late summer. Full sun, tolerates poor soil, best fall foliage.Purple Top (Tridens flavus)
QUALITIES: Open panicles definitely purple in early fall. Average soil, full sun. -
This mix includes a variety of native forbs and grasses, formulated to establish a natural, low-maintenance meadow. The mix includes species like Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) and Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia spp.) for forbs, and Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) and Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) for grasses. It is designed to support local wildlife and promote biodiversity while being adaptable to different sites. The mix is not site-specific but offers a balanced composition of plants that provide seasonal blooms, foliage, and structural diversity.
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed)
QUALITIES: Bright orange flowers, attracts butterflies, drought-tolerant, deep taproot, and thrives in well-drained soils.Aster lateriflorus (Calico Aster)
QUALITIES: White to pale purple flowers with yellow centers, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and tolerates a variety of soil types.Aster oblongifolius (Aromatic Aster)
QUALITIES: Lavender to blue flowers, aromatic foliage, blooms in fall, attracts butterflies, and tolerant of dry, rocky soils.Aster sagittifolius (Arrowleaf Aster)
QUALITIES: Light purple flowers, heart-shaped leaves, blooms in late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and adaptable to different soil types.Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo)
QUALITIES: Blue flowers, drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, deep-rooted, and attractive seed pods.Baptisia alba (White False Indigo)
QUALITIES: White flowers, drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, deep-rooted, and attractive seed pods.Baptisia tinctoria (Yellow Wild Indigo)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing, deep-rooted, and attractive seed pods.Bidens aristosa (Tickseed Sunflower)
QUALITIES: Bright yellow flowers, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and thrives in moist soils.Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
QUALITIES: Bright yellow flowers, drought-tolerant, long blooming period, attracts butterflies, and prefers well-drained soils.Corepopsis tinctoria (Plains Coreopsis)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers with reddish-brown centers, drought-tolerant, attracts pollinators, and grows well in poor soils.Desmodium canadense (Showy Tick Trefoil)
QUALITIES: Pink to purple flowers, attracts pollinators, nitrogen-fixing, and adaptable to a range of soils.Eupatorium fistulosum (Joe Pye Weed)
QUALITIES: Pale pink to purple flowers, tall stature, attracts pollinators, thrives in moist soils, and blooms late summer to fall.Eupatorium hyssopifolium (Hyssop-leaved Thoroughwort)
QUALITIES: White flowers, attracts pollinators, prefers moist to dry soils, and blooms late summer to fall.Eupatorium maculatum (Spotted Joe Pye Weed)
QUALITIES: Pink to purple flowers, tall stature, attracts pollinators, thrives in moist soils, and blooms late summer to fall.Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset)
QUALITIES: White flowers, attracts pollinators, thrives in wet soils, traditionally used for medicinal purposes, and blooms late summer to fall.Eupatorium rugosum (White Snakeroot)
QUALITIES: White flowers, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and tolerates shade and moist soils.Helenium autumnale (Sneezeweed)
QUALITIES: Yellow to orange flowers, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and prefers moist soils.Helianthus angustifolius (Swamp Sunflower)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, tall stature, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and thrives in wet soils.Helianthus maximilianii (Maximilian Sunflower)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, tall stature, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and drought-tolerant.Helianthus mollis (Downy Sunflower)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, soft hairy leaves, blooms late summer to fall, attracts pollinators, and drought-tolerant.Heliopsis helianthoides (Smooth Oxeye)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers, long blooming period, attracts pollinators, and thrives in well-drained soils.Liatris spicata (Blazing Star)
QUALITIES: Purple flowers, attracts pollinators, drought-tolerant, prefers well-drained soils, and blooms mid to late summer.Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot)
QUALITIES: Lavender to pink flowers, fragrant foliage, attracts pollinators, drought-tolerant, and prefers well-drained soils.Penstemon canescens (Appalachian Beardtongue)
QUALITIES: Pink to lavender flowers, attracts pollinators, prefers well-drained soils, and blooms late spring to early summer.Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa (Showy Black-eyed Susan)
QUALITIES: Yellow flowers with dark centers, attracts pollinators, drought-tolerant, and long blooming period.Rudbeckia subtomentosa (Sweet Coneflower)
QUALITIES: Long blooming period, bright yellow flowers with dark centers, attracts pollinators, drought-tolerant once established.Rudbeckia triloba (Brown-eyed Susan)
QUALITIES: Multi-branching plant with small yellow flowers and dark brown centers, biennial or short-lived perennial, excellent for naturalized areas and meadows.Sanguisorba canadensis (Canadian Burnet)
QUALITIES: Tall spikes of white bottlebrush flowers, attractive to pollinators, prefers moist soils, native wetland plant.Siliphium perfoliatum (Cup Plant)
QUALITIES: Large, coarse leaves that form a cup around the stem, yellow sunflower-like flowers, attracts birds and pollinators, tolerates wet soils.Siliphium terebinthacium (Prairie Dock)
QUALITIES: Large, basal leaves and tall flower stalks, bright yellow flowers, drought-tolerant, attracts pollinators.Siliphium trifoliatum (Whorled Rosinweed)
QUALITIES: Whorled leaves around the stem, bright yellow daisy-like flowers, attracts birds and pollinators, prefers well-drained soils.Solidago bicolor (White Goldenrod)
QUALITIES: White flower clusters, late summer bloomer, attracts pollinators, tolerates poor soils.Solidago nemoralis (Gray Goldenrod)
QUALITIES: Grayish foliage, yellow flower clusters, tolerant of dry and poor soils, attracts pollinators, compact size.Solidago rugosa (Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod)
QUALITIES: Large, arching clusters of bright yellow flowers, prefers moist soils, attracts pollinators, aggressive spreader.Andropogon gerardii (Big Bluestem)
QUALITIES: Tall, clumping grass with blue-green foliage, purplish flower spikes, excellent for prairie restoration, drought-tolerant.Calamagrostis canadensis (Bluejoint Grass)
QUALITIES: Tall, upright grass with feathery flower plumes, thrives in wet soils, provides habitat for wildlife, attractive fall color.Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)
QUALITIES: Clump-forming grass with blue-green foliage turning to reddish-bronze in fall, fluffy white seed heads, drought-tolerant, excellent for erosion control.Elymus canadensis (Canada Wild Rye)
QUALITIES: Cool-season bunchgrass with arching seed heads, provides early-season forage, good for erosion control, tolerates a range of soil types.Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
QUALITIES: Tall, clumping grass with golden-brown flower plumes, excellent for prairie restoration, drought-tolerant, provides habitat for wildlife.