Backyard fire pit: Intentionally bringing it all together.


The most common characteristic among our clients is the need for a memorable outdoor landscape. One that produces years of stories with their friends, family and neighbors, while constantly reassuring them that their investment was worth it. For those looking to spend a larger portion of time outside, we often suggest designating an area with a backyard fire pit to help create those memories.

Whether a permanent installation or portable fire pit, backyard fire areas can enhance your landscape tremendously. It also creates positive social, personal and financial aspects into your life as a homeowner. Throughout history, humans have gathered to feast, tell stories, and connect with others around the safety and warmth of a camp fire. On a personal level, there is something meditative about the crackle and glow of the open flame. Many of us will always remember those special nights, captivated by the blaze.

Having a self contained fire becomes such simple, yet meaningful experience right in your backyard. Remember, there is also no age limit on making s’mores!

As a homeowner, it can be difficult to invest in landscape renovations. If you’re trying to make this decision, consider the following reasons why adding a fire pit to your design can help enhance your overall life.

It’s a place to gather.

Your family, friends, and even the entire neighborhood will appreciate having a backyard fire pit as a place to come together. Imagine the kids catching fireflies in the distance, while the adults enjoy their time around the light of the fire. If you have younger children, this creates a great opportunity to teach them about fire safety, while also providing the ultimate setting for a classic family camp out.

This cross generational activity is what will make your home stand out as the preferred place to gather among your close ones. Did you know that there are many studies that suggest our complex social behaviors and connections developed around a camp fire? Social interaction and being outside are both extremely beneficial to our body and mind. Provide a place for that to happen and you’re destined to feel good about your decision.

Get personal with yourself and your family.

From quiet evenings with your family, to extra special moments by yourself – an evening fire can be an extremely therapeutic activity. Imagine being tucked under the summer stars with your favorite book and beverage, or telling your family tales of your own experiences.

We’ve all felt some form of satisfaction while watching a perfectly placed stack of logs burn. Whether you like to sit back and hear the tiny noises that accompany the flames, or find pleasure in the building and maintaining that inherently comes with having a fire – it all brings a kind of calmness and inner peace. It can truly be a satisfying experience that many people treat as a mindful way to relax. In fact, studies have shown that being around a campfire can dramatically reduce your blood pressure.

Embrace and enhance your backyard.

If the landscape is truly an extension of your home, then you should feel comfortable being out there during each season. Creating a fire pit area gives a perfect opportunity to have an outdoor area to relax at all year long, which can be just as welcoming as your living room. In this day and age, most of us are constantly connected to technology. Instead of your evening routine spent inside, try replacing it with a relaxing session next to the fire on your own property. Truly learn to appreciate the time spent outside and embrace the natural world around you.

Depending on your preferred style, the design and layout of your landscape can create a seamless transition from the inside of your house, to the open outdoors. Some may prefer to have their fire pit be the focal point of their landscape, while others may choose to create an additional seating area for guests to enjoy privately. Don’t just step outside – step into another part of your home.


Increase your property value.

It’s impossible to predict the future. Creating a functional and enhanced area of your landscape, such as an outdoor fire pit, brings your property value up if you ever decide to sell. It’s always an added bonus when you can enjoy an addition to your home, while at the same time knowing there is a return on your investment.

There are going to be many ‘to do’s when you own a home. Make the next one bring fire to your life.

Is 2017 the year you decide to make your backyard a true addition to your home? With any added landscape, whether a fire pit, waterfall, or general landscape upgrade, homeowners get the opportunity to feel good about their entire property. If you want to create memories, increase property value, and feel good about coming home – reach out us. We’re your top local landscaper in the Asheville area, and we’re ready to make your outdoor dreams come to life.

-Team Snow Creek


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