Commercial Landscaping: From Outside In.

While most people try not to judge a book by it’s cover, the majority of us gravitate towards relying on our gut feelings. With that, includes how a business looks on the outside. As a company, you may have the best biscuits in town, but if it looks like a scene from the x-files – people may drive right on by. Commercial landscaping and presentation, we believe, is a way that a company can take itself to the next level.


There are many benefits to having professional landscaping at your business. We feel the following areas are reasons enough to invest:

  • Your impression on the world

  • Community and Property Investment

  • Working with the environment

First impressions

We aren’t saying everyone needs an elaborate waterfall, stone walkways, and native flowers (though, it would be cool!). What we are saying is that each business has an opportunity to instantly impress their potential customers. Rarely can a business get away with looking like a dump but offering 5 star service.

Landscape to your brand

When investing in a landscape to enhance your business, be consistent with your brand. Not everything has to be taken to an elaborate level, but instead it should focus on the environment you want to create. First impressions can emphasize the feel of your brand, from a clean and open space with accent plants, to a more rustic and organic landscape.

Keep it looking good

The upkeep of your landscape is what keeps people continuously feeling the effects of its beauty. Not many people enjoy having dead or messy plants around, so make your plan of action to include maintenance.

Sometimes it’s best to let others be in control of your landscape and invest your time elsewhere. After all, that is the point of owning a business. If lawn care isn’t your cup of tea (or brew – since this is Asheville), let someone else take care of it.

Thinking of the property and community

Commercial landscaping can help  you financially, as well as help your presence within the community. Recognize where you are located and what that means with surrounding property value and local trends.

Property Investment

Owning property as a business owner can bring a lot of joy and financial gains. With proper landscaping, you can increase the property value and create happy neighbors. Preventing tree damage or developing rain gardens are also ways to help decrease potential property damage – and save money.

Community Relations

For some business owners, such as hotel or housing developers, the landscape can keep customers happy and feel settled. For businesses within the community, take time to recognize your role. Enhancing the look of your business has a dramatic effect on the local community members, other businesses, and even the local economy.

Work with the environment

With environmentally friendly designs, your business can look good and benefit the environment. Utilizing native plants with intentional designs can help promote water retention, soil erosion, as well as supporting your local plant species. Specific plant placement can also save you on electricity bills through reducing or conserving your heat buildup.

Take it inside

Did you know that an increase of plants inside can be directly related to happiness and productivity with workers? Imagine what that does to your customers. Simple container gardens placed around can help with that transition from the outside in.

Need help with commercial landscaping?

Are you a business owner in the surrounding Asheville area looking to invest in landscaping for your company? Let’s see how we can help achieve your branding through the natural environment. We offer a full range of services from design, installation, maintenance and are committed to helping you reach your visual goals. Our goal is to create headache free service for local businesses that support all their commercial landscaping needs.


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