Landscaping, Personal, and Professional Growth

For the past year, Snow Creek Landscaping has been working with Path to Synergy’s Michael Diettrich-Chastain. As a company, we have been utilizing his coaching expertise to help better our personal and professional growth as a company.

Even after 27 years, we are constantly looking to improve in areas that can help our client experience, as well as team development. Whether it be learning new ways to communicate in a group setting, one on one, or learning how to respond to our own feelings and emotions – we can always improve.

Like our landscapes, we are always developing, strengthening, and responding to our own environment.

For the majority of us in this industry, being outdoors also holds a certain therapeutic quality to it. Whether it’s the relaxing bubbling of a stream against the sound of wind whistling through the trees, or the feeling we get when we work with our natural surrounding. Nature can be grounding on a deeper level.

Some could say – and we do – that nature is the ultimate stress reducer. 

We often work with clients who just need a place to relax. To escape the every day hustle through the natural environment. That’s our purpose as a company – our mission. We want to enrich our clients lives through creating an outdoor living space that promotes health and wellness.

As a landscaping company in Asheville, North Carolina, we are incredibly fortunate to have a thriving economy and amazing community to work with. We are always meeting new clients that have either grown up here or one day found themselves buying a home in these beautiful blue ridge mountains. With each client, we focus our attention to working with the natural landscape and native plant species, while incorporating what each client is looking for in a design.

Learn more about Path to Synergy and how Michael can work with you on achieving those personal and professional goals through stress reduction and skill building.

If you decide you need a relaxing outdoor environment to do that, you know how to reach us!

-Team Snow Creek


Native Plants: The elegance of Western North Carolina


New Year, New You: Landscape Edition