Spike Winterhazel – Corylopsis spicata
Corylopsis spicata or Spike Winterhazel, is a 4 to 6′ high (often over 10′ at maturity) deciduous shrub that blooms in late winter to early spring. The fragrant bell shaped flowers hang in clusters and are a pale creamy yellow. These shrubs have a wide-spreading open growth habit with rather attractive contorted branches. Closely related to witch hazels, they have the same shape at maturity, often being twice as wide as high. The leaves have a crinkled, pleated appearance and emerge a nice purple color and eventually become bluish green.
As far as landscape plants go, Corylopsis spicata does not need special care, and readily grows in moist, well-drained soil in a spot that is sunny to partially shady. They are well suited to our climate, being hardy zones 5-8. If yellow bells are a little too garish for your taste, the beauty of the Winterhazel is not something you want to miss.