Updating our look: Spring 2017


Since 1989, we have been serving the community of Western North Carolina with a full landscape service that reflects and supports the rich history of this region. It’s the impact that our work has on each client that keeps us coming back. Every day. Each season.

We know that a lot of people pass our work and just appreciate it for it’s beauty. For us, however, it’s the stories of how they came to be that makes them even more unique. We see the couple that bought their first home together or the business that wants to have less of a negative environmental impact. With the passing of each season, we are incredibly fortunate to see our work and relationships grow.

We’re the folks that like to get our hands dirty. To have our environment look healthy and welcoming. To come to work and enrich the lives of our clients… naturally.

Spring is a time of growth. Since it’s also one of our busiest times of year, we wanted to make 2017 even more special. This spring and summer, we’re blossoming a new adventure of our own. It’s the same Snow Creek Landscaping, but with a whole new to look tell our story. We want to take this time to introduce a new brand for our clients, family, friends and the community of this area.

Stay tuned for more updates, giveaways, and the newest adventures in the story of Snow Creek Landscaping.


Team Snow Creek.


10 tips on properly watering your yard this year!


Earth Day 2017 – Asheville, North Carolina